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The Junior Doc

Day 1

Stomach was on royal rumble, soles sore, toe nails on fire. 2 hours of Pre Rounds despite having an older collague helping out. Missed the Morning Reviews I had longed to attend. I wonder whether it will be basically work and no learning, the missing wasn’t what I bargained for. Some hours of my sleep have to go now, so that Pre Rounds will be done in time.

Here's the juice: Higher Rounds:
Me: dah dah dah.. not knowing much of her history.
Senior 1: Back date your rounds.
Me: *In my mind* shuuuu! I didn’t hear you well. God not today please. *Speaking,* pretends I heard nothing.
Seniorjunior 2: "Write 18th..." (goes on to repeat it like 20 times.).
Me: (I keep doing what I'm doing and writing other things).
Senior junior 2: Give me that pen, (writes it and then goes) “she has no money…, we should have discharged yesterday but she wasn’t in bed and we didn’t, so…”
Senior 1: So tell me, why didn’t you write what I asked you to write?
Me : (much silence )*in my mind* are you really asking me this question, the answer is obvious, we no suppose even drag am.
Senior 1: I don’t like silence when I ask questions.
Me: Sir, today is 19th… *and whatever else I added*
Surprisingly, I was calm and polite the whole time, I thank God for the small work these few months at home did in my life o.
Senior 1: Here's why we did it; we did nothing for her in the last 24 hours. If she was in bed, we could have sent her home yesterday. So today is as good as yesterday.  Now, change that DPO you wrote, you must do it here.
Me: (*Saviour help me* I practically gave in. I was done fighting. Then I flip through and realize I had made a mistake earlier and it now tallied with what he wanted.)

{Later during Chemo}
Senior 1: What church do you attend?
Me: (*like it’s now a church thing to change dates*)

So my fellow doctor brethren, na like this e dey be? 😏😏😏😏😏😊😏

And of course, it's my signature out there, saying I discharged a patient a day before I resumed work.😒


  1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  2. Interesting.. Thank you thing I know is that the devil is always out to get hold of us..A strong hold is his end point..but usually He starts the earlier you resist His hold the safer..Remain blessed Dr.

  3. 🀣
    It's well
    Thanks for Sharing.

  4. Weldone galπŸ‘
    God is ur strength

  5. Lols...sounds like what I go through everyday. But, you see, not sounding religious, I think that a little flexibility should be allowed when working with people. Or when the issue in question is humanitarian. For instance, it would be morally justified to backdate a discharge based on the argument of senior 1, but, legally, its very wrong.

    Now, when judging a crime, you look at the action and the intention. Our God is a just God. He looks beyond our actions at times. Would Abraham not have been a murderer in our sight if he had killed Isaac? But, in the eyes of God he is justified as an obedient servant

    1. I get your point. But when we keep soft pedalling on stuff, one day, we may enter bush

  6. Chai...our journey through the world is quite a tough one. Looking around, all I see is decay but we can't be subdued by the world. Let our voice be heard more through our actions daily. The more we speak, the more we are heard and that's the indelible mark that lives after us.
    God bless u dear....more Grace

  7. Very valuable experience you can count on in years to come.


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