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Your Location and Allocation

Relocations are always seem to be a turbulent time for me because I always have to ask The Lord repeatedly if He was in that destination or not. This is because if I veer off the road and land in Sodom or the like, I'll loose all my allocations and inheritance. So on this particular occasion, as the clouds brightened that day, I was on my way to go pick up appointment letter for a work in a location I wasn't yet sure it was God who was sending me or whether it was circumstances or the fact that I never imagined returning to that city for anything short-term much more lifelong  practice of Medicine. 🫠 I braced up as I went, I entered one of those aka n'enu buses which had been my regular as I was low on cash and needed to conserve the little on me. Aka n'enu wouldn't give you the best of a travel experience as the vehicles are often ricketty, with road worthiness being on a zero and they drop and pick people at every nook and cranny and as such they en
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What will People Think

One fateful afternoon shortly after I turned 17, I had market errands to run. Mum went to work and had outlined things for us to cook for lunch and dinner. It was my turn to go to market that day so I made the list and counted the money and arranged how I'll bargain to see if I'll have some change (w were allowed to own the change). However an issue came up.  Since that morning, I'd been having this abdominal ache which I wished away, hoping it would resolve after some bowel movements in the white room. The ache kept worsening and I was tempted to ask one of my cousin's to help me run the errands so I could take her turn next time but I advised myself against it, saying that she won't understand and may think I'm feigning an illness (and of course I'd lose the change to her). Due to this, I couldn't leave for market in the morning hours which was our usual. I waited for some relief and once I got the slightest strength, I strode to the market which was a

We all need Walls and Fences in this Christian Race

  “ Therefore, let he that thinks he stands take heed lest he falls" (1Corinthians 10:12). NKJV This has become a scripture that I can relate well with. Here's a sneak peek into a story: She’d walked into the call room one faithful day and in her usual manner asked: “ Nne Kedu? ” I broke down and wailed, she locked the door and listened. Now this was a lady I’d known that I needed to get close to when I arrived town newly but I didn’t do the full embrace because of maybe delayed obedience or perhaps the fact that I kept looking for opportunities without creating one. In Christianity, these things aren’t hard to create in a circle of Christians who understand why ‘we are’; fellowshipping with one another outside the four walls of the church is what drives home the relationship observed in this body, the body of Christ. I sincerely gave this answer to her: “ I’m not fine. I have exams tomorrow, and I’m here administering chemotherapy. Well, that’s not all…” I went on and poured

Relay Races

Gleanings from Budapest '23  So while I watched this particular 4×400m race, the tension was high, many were rooting for the stars and stripes to qualify and run in the finals as usual. They had gotten a couple of gold medals already However, the anchor leg and 3rd leg messed up everything. Even though Alexis Holmes upon picking the baton later levelled up and completed the race just behind the leading English team, we weren't quite happy with her but little did we even know that that clumsiness cost them much more: a spot in the finals. They were later disqualified when it was ruled that the actual baton transfer was done beyond the legal passing zone. Phew!🥲 Athletics has it's rules and so does life.  Meanwhile this turned out to be a miracle for Netherlands 🤩 who clinched the gold in yesterday's race having lost out on the gold to the same Holmes many days ago in the mixed relay. Their case was a bit different, it wasn't a clumsy transfer but a fall and loss of

Immediate Post-NYSC Period: A Young Doctor's Experience.

All that Caleb stated in the post above are valid and I'd love to share my personal experience. Towards the end and even after my NYSC, one of the questions I didn't like hearing was: " so, what's next? "  It wasn't like I didn't have plans or options but I think that's a question we should not be asking people who are transitioning from one phase of life to another. This is because crossroads are critical I guess and you can pray for those at such junctions or simply offer 'unsolicited advice' 😉 because such advices end up being useful on the long run, but either way shaa, don't just ask so many questions. Ok back to the limbo state: As the end came near, I had many things pulling at my attention. I considered Ilorin, Gboko, staying back at Makurdi etc. Finally I decided to go home upon the suggestion of my family, my discipler and friends. At least I go see free food chop while this phase lingered. While at home, offers were coming but


Scenario 1 As a teenager, I loved to find my identity in the things I wore. Designer brands trended in my world. From expensive Louboutin and McQueen to affordable Chanel, Gucci and the likes. I was particularly crazy about fragrances. I'd surf the net for good ones with a 'name' but yet within my pockets reach. I believed scents said a lot about a person and I had read in a women's magazine that in order to appear like a decent lady, you needed a feminine perfume that smelled good enough on close range but does not leave a trail 5 miles away as that would only scream 'notice me!'  Due to my quest, I stumbled on Taylor's White Diamond that was gifted my mum but she wouldn't let me have it. I saw Paco Rabanne's Million Man and went online and saw Lady Million which would cost me a fortune if I ventured into it, so I let it be. One day at the market, I stumbled on Victoria Secret's Beauty Rushes. It seemed the perfect scent at the time.

Delayed Obedience is Disobedience

1 Thessalonians 5:23 May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being -- spirit, soul, and body -- free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. There's a freshness that comes once we obey the promptings God is laying in our hearts. Writing this article, I still struggled with delayed obedience before I started punching my keypads. It took a friend's WhatsApp status to convict me to finally write something and stop delaying. Although I still want to argue about delayed obedience because the older son hesitated before obeying while the younger one said YES sir and went about his business (Matt 21: 28-32) . Well, I don't think we should be like either of them when there's the option of becoming like Peter, Andrew and the two sons of Zebedee ( Matt 4: 18-22 ). Firstly, my main aim of writing today is to obey, it's been a while I wrote and it's been a long standing nudge in my heart to write again but I