“ Therefore, let he that thinks he stands take heed lest he falls" (1Corinthians 10:12). NKJV This has become a scripture that I can relate well with. Here's a sneak peek into a story: She’d walked into the call room one faithful day and in her usual manner asked: “ Nne Kedu? ” I broke down and wailed, she locked the door and listened. Now this was a lady I’d known that I needed to get close to when I arrived town newly but I didn’t do the full embrace because of maybe delayed obedience or perhaps the fact that I kept looking for opportunities without creating one. In Christianity, these things aren’t hard to create in a circle of Christians who understand why ‘we are’; fellowshipping with one another outside the four walls of the church is what drives home the relationship observed in this body, the body of Christ. I sincerely gave this answer to her: “ I’m not fine. I have exams tomorrow, and I’m here administering chemotherapy. Well, that’s not all…” I went on and poured...
Painting the intricate details with my words; the life of a female, christian doctor.