Day 273 I'm currently on my one week leave, we usually take one week leave in between each three months of rotation in the four departments. This leave is my last week in Surgery Department. There's nothing much to write about😁, but just to inform you guys that I'm enjoying my peeps here at home. I'm getting my hair done now, kid sis and cousin passed by and stopped to say hi. I offer them small chops sold in the shop, kid sis goes like, "how many should we take?" I ask her how many she wants. She says, "I'm taking two." In my mind, I'm like no p. Then cousin adds, "why not make it five to round up the amount to be paid?" I still say nothing. On their way leaving, 😄😄😄😄 cousin demands for her 3 but kid sis is like no, we'll share it two and half. I'm laughing at them here. And it crossed my mind that I can actually dare to try that with God. You see, He's our Father and if I, common man, allowed them to ...
Painting the intricate details with my words; the life of a female, christian doctor.